Current Projects

OUD has three consented projects which are under construction, investing c. £300m.

These focus on:

Space for research and growing businesses – Begbroke Science Park Phase 1
Homes for graduate students – Court Place Gardens
Leading research – Life and Mind Building

A fourth current project is Begbroke Innovation District.  On Thursday 6 September 2024, Cherwell District Council resolved to grant outline planning permission to OUD for a contemporary new village, which will redefine the model for a 21st century community by delivering homes alongside cutting-edge research and academic space.

Computer Generated Image of the Life and Mind Building (LaMB)

Begbroke Science Park Phase 1

Two new buildings have been developed at Begbroke Science Park, providing c. 135,000 sq ft of space for commercial research companies to grow and further facilities for OU research.

One building at c. 54,000 sq ft will provide academic facilities, and the second building at 81,000 sq ft will be for commercial space.

The £55m project has been designed by architects NBBJ and is being delivered by Mace.

The project successfully concluded in February 2024, marking an important step forward for Begbroke Science Park’s development.

Court Place Gardens
OUD is currently delivering an important project to renew the graduate student housing at Court Place Gardens between Rose Hill and Iffley. The project transforms the site, where the 1970s semi-detached housing has reached the end of its useful life.

Designed by architect fjmtstudio, OUD is delivering over 70 new two- and three-bedroom houses for graduate students as well as refurbishing 10 study rooms in the Mansion House for single students.

As well as creating high-quality new housing, the project is delivering many other benefits:

The new homes have much better environmental performance than the current housing, with improved energy efficiency and green technologies such as air source heat pumps and sustainable drainage systems.
The site incorporates landscaped courtyards, play areas and other communal facilities to encourage a sense of community and increase biodiversity on-site, as well as providing plentiful cycle storage and electric vehicle charging points to enable residents to travel more sustainably.

The plans for the site were drawn up in close consultation with heritage and ecological experts to ensure they respected the local built environment and ecosystem.

Access to the nearby University-owned woodland is being maintained for local people, and there has been careful planning to ensure there will be no negative impact on the wildlife there.

The c. £26m project is led by Jeremy Titchen at OUD and the main contractor is Feltham Construction. It is on track for delivery during the 2024/25 academic year.

The Life and Mind Building (LaMB)
The Life and Mind Building (LaMB) is the largest building project the University has ever undertaken and will significantly improve the way psychological and biological science is undertaken in Oxford, helping scientists to solve some of our major global challenges.

Designed by architects NBBJ and project managed by LGIM RA, the LaMB will see c. £200m invested to deliver c. 268,000 sq ft of research space and academic facilities.

The design promotes engagement between the departments of research and education, providing an inviting space to support innovative thinking and multi-disciplinary communication including:

laboratories and testing spaces


exhibition space


conference facilities

teaching spaces and labs


study and social space

herbarium archives and research spaces

flexible space for future expansion

a major new public plaza

The LaMB was topped out in early 2023 and is expected to be handed over by Wates to Oxford University for fit out end Q1 2025, occupation and operation are currently being programmed by the University with intended use planned by Q2 2025.

The project is led by Mike Coplowe.

Begbroke Innovation District

On Thursday 6 September 2024, Cherwell District Council resolved to grant outline planning permission to OUD for Begbroke Innovation District, a contemporary new village, which will redefine the model for a 21st century community by delivering homes alongside cutting-edge research and academic space.


Since 1999 the University’s Science Park at Begbroke, five miles from Oxford city centre, between Yarnton and Woodstock, has been home to a wide range of research and development activities, playing a vital role in the local, regional and national economy.

Begbroke Science Park is a fully integrated research and development facility, where world-class university scientists work with industry decision-makers and entrepreneurs to turn cutting-edge research into commercial opportunities.

It is the only science park in Oxfordshire wholly owned and managed by Oxford University and is a cross-departmental research facility with 12,000m² of office/laboratory space for research groups and high-tech science-based businesses and spinouts, and a conference venue and business training centre.

It is already home to more than 20 research groups in engineering, materials and life sciences as well as around 30 high-tech companies.

It hosts innovation and enterprise initiatives and provides a space where academic theory is converted into business practice by nurturing up-and-coming science-based industries.

The Science Park sits at the centre of 190 hectares of land earmarked in Cherwell District Council’s Local Plan Partial Review for a high-quality mixed-use development.

The aim is to deliver a range of research and development facilities, new homes and associated social and physical infrastructure, including schools, community centres, space for leisure and recreation, and excellent sustainable transport links to Oxford.

This proposed wider development will create a new and cohesive community that responds to both Oxford’s housing needs and the economic attraction of the Science Park as a place to live, work, and foster innovation and enterprise.

Following the extensive consultations summarised in the links below, OUD submitting an outline planning application for Begbroke Innovation District in July 2023.

For more information on the project email: or phone: 0800 298 7040

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